Chapter 1:What It's Like to Be Working in "The Miracle Field"
I wanted to get your thoughts on my first chapter for my new book, "How to Create a Month of Miracles". Feel free to either place your comments into a new entry, or, share a miralce story with me that you'd be okay for me to use in my book.
Here's the chapter:
Chapter 1:
What It’s Like to Be Working in “The Miracles Field”
Different people work in different fields in our world: doctors, engineers, teachers, therapists, carpenters, scientists, homemakers---and those fields are all pretty well understood to contain certain rules, roles, and requirements.
Doctors see patients, and work to help them be healthy.
Teachers move children to greater understandings and skills, in classrooms and in the world.
Therapists, which I’ve been, help people heal old troubles and reconnect with their own strengths and capabilities.
But what’s included in the miracle field?
It’s kinda trippy, to tell you the truth. I’ve decided that this is my path in life, at least for the foreseeable future. I’m here to help bring more miracles into your life. Pretty simple calling, when you think about it.
But how do I do that, for you, for my coaching clients, for my workshop participants?
And what are the job benefits of working in the Miracle Field?
Here’s what I’ve come to, see what you think:
*The Miracle Field has no rules to live by. You have to find your own path through it.
*This Miracle Field has been crossed by millions of fellow travelers, all in search of the same thing: more miraculous connections in their lives, and in the lives of those they love and serve.
*We can bring this Miracle Field into our hearts, our minds, our actions, even right into our bodies, and learn to make use of it for good. We can actually feel this Miracle Field, if we allow ourselves to do so.
*The Miracle Field has the best job benefits of any profession I’ve encountered: absolute love from my clients and workshop attendees, total appreciation for my work, loyalty beyond understanding, connection with others that is a fundamental honor to be a part of, and, oh yeah, pretty good money too!
*and, it’s a ton of fun!
So why not pursue this field whole-heartedly, with gusto, and with reckless abandon? \Why not go whole-hog after this kind of work?
Well, the challenges are many, and to name just a few:
*People raise their eyebrows at you at parties, and you can see some of them looking for where the door is when you first mention this idea.
*Some ‘religious’ folks don’t like the idea that I’m horning in on someone they revere’s territory, and consider it ‘blasphemy’, or something like that.
*Claiming that we are powerful, infinite beings is a challenge for folks to swallow, as they look at their lives and don’t necessarily see that level of preferred creating going on.
*Thus the level of responsibility that this Miraculous View calls for is a challenge too, and not one that is very easy to step into. It’s much easier to place responsibility onto something, or someone else, for our troubles in life. We see this in sects that promote belief in “The Devil”.
*And then, from my own personal journey, all of these apply to me as well. I am challenged to accept this level of responsibility for creating my own miracles in life, for holding the integrity of being disciplined enough to accept the responsibility for my creations, for not blaming others for my state of mind and how I show up in life. I haven’t always found that level of integrity and awareness easy to stay in and hold onto.
*Finally, sometimes I just don’t believe my own thinking about this Miraculous View of Life. There seems to be enough evidence, but I get impatient, and sometimes want quicker, clearer responses to my requests of The Universe, before I’ll believe it wholeheartedly. I guess you could call me, “Coach Thomas” sometimes, instead of Coach Don!
So, a Miraculous View of Life is challenging, personally and culturally. ‘You know it don’t come easy’, as the song says. It’s at times like walking a razor’s edge, and yet, so incredibly rewarding at the same time.
It is such a wonderful way to live life. The times when I have felt the most in line with The Universe, with my own Purpose in life, with Spirit-flowing-though-me, I have felt incredible certainty in my Self, joy in my connections, clarity in my thoughts, and a lightness to my being.
Such good stuff, I always want more!
I now sit with this Miracle View when I meet with my clients, and focus on It, as I’m focusing on my work with these wonderful people who hire me. As I do this, I feel that sense of connection, and I concentrate on bringing that sense directly into my physical body.
When this happens, I notice that people get covered over with light, so I can’t see their faces. I notice that intuitions come to me about them, that take over, and won’t go away until I say them out loud. I at times hesitate saying them, because they sometimes seem so outlandish, or even off-track from what we are talking about in the meeting.
But, when I say these intuitions out loud, and this has happened every time, my wonderful clients will say to me, “Wow, I never thought about it that way! That really opens up a whole new view for me. Thank you, Coach Don, for that insight.”
Or, they will be reminded of something they held dear before, and feel again the excitement and enthusiasm for that project or direction.
When this happens, the joy I see in their faces is wonderful to witness, and the momentum toward reviving this dream is palpable in the room.
I always get all ‘googly’, as my daughter calls it, when this happens. I can feel the energy surging through me, I actually physically feel the essence of my client’s experience, and the love that pours between us is wonderful to feel as well.
The Miracle Field is an inspiring place to work, as you can probably gather. The more I acknowledge how wonderful it is, the more miracles seems to happen, both in my life, and in the life of my clients. And this type of acknowledgement of the miraculous has become one of my touchstones for staying aware of the Miracle Field.
I can tell you that I absolutely love that this is happening for me!
How about you, what has your experience with the miraculous in life been like for you in your life? Would you be willing to take just a moment and picture the times when you’ve felt so connected, that miracles have shown up in your life?
And, if you do take that moment to remember, would you then come to our website,, and let us know about your experiences? I’d love to hear about your them, and I’m sure others who visit the site will as well.
Thank you for sharing your miracles stories, in advance!
Saturday morning, FEb 17, Santa Fe
I woke up this morning with fear about money daninc in my head. At times this fear is a persistent one for me, and I have to sit with my personal process that alleviates it. I suppose, when I think about it, that this fear stems a lot from my upbringing, as I come from a family of ten kids, and our folks weren't wealthy, by any stretch of the imagination!
I had jeans that had patches, whose patches had belonged to my three older brothers before I landed them, and then passed them onto my younger brothers as I grew. I remember meals of bread and gravy, with a can of corn on the side. That kind of upbringing.
And, in my adult years, money at times has been like a roller-coaster ride, sometimes flowing wonderfully through my life, other times feeling pretty scared about money.
So this morning I applied the process that I use to reclaim my power over that fear, and had to do it twice to dissipate the fear about money. Then I meditated, and went into what I've come to call My Divine Self, a place/space/sense of self that I really, really love. The messages about money I received in meditation were: Make it simpler; be disciplined ("Notice the root word of 'disciplined'? Not painful discipline, but being a disciple of the love you feel for Life, and for Self Care. Just do it")
So this weekend, I'm focsuing on simplifying my coaching business promotions and programs. You can look for those changes in this week's ezine, "Create a Month of Miracles", by signing up on the home page at
Hope your weekend goes well, with joy and connections that are really fun and fulfilling!
Love Always,
Coach Don
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